Faculty Additional Employment Unity Forms

The Faculty Services Additional Employment Forms are available via OnBase. Unity Forms in OnBase combine multiple forms into a single simple layout. There are ten (10) forms that can be selected in OnBase. The types of forms are:

  1. Category 2403 Appointment
  2. Special Consultant Pre-Approval
  3. Special Consultant Payment
  4. State-Supported Summer Pre-Approval
  5. PACE Special Session
  6. PACE Summer Session
  7. PACE Winter Session
  8. Substitute Payment Request
  9. Non-Credit Teaching Program
  10. 菠菜网lol正规平台 Online

Each form (Form Type) collects specific information and details about the appointment. Generally, the top section indicates the requestor’s information. The next section indicates the faculty’s information, then the appointment and work information, and then there is an approval routing section. The last section contains information for Faculty Services.

For instructions regarding how to complete the various forms, refer to the Additional Employment Appointment Form Instructions.

For questions concerning Additional Employment, please contact additionalemployment-faculty@tiemles.com.